Interactive Check-in

Collect defendant and plaintiff check-in times, ask questions, and immediately alert your staff through our platform.


Monitor and control your check-in progression.

Our cloud-based platform allows easy import your of daily case file and builds check-in records around it. Request additional information from your plaintiffs, defendants, and attorney’s as they check-in. Your staff search accounts present check-in question results and provides a timestamp of when the visitor arrived.


Account Types

We offer 3 account types: Viewer, Concierge, and Administrator. Concierge and Viewer are perfect for bailiffs and courtroom staff on tablets. Administrator works best on a desktop.

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View Interactive Check-in

We designed Interactive Check-in to work out of the gate with any kiosk screen size and any orientation.

View the demo →

Learn about our interactive self-service kiosks →


Instant Check-in notifications

Receive notifications as soon as the litigants completes their check-in. Currently we notify over email and Slack.

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Interactive Check-in Features


Ask Questions

When a visitor is checking in, ask additional questions before they can complete their check-in. Review the answers any time on our platform or through email.


Provide Directions

After the checks-in, provide your visitors unique directions based on their room location. We can display directional text, images, maps, and a complete wayfinding experience.


Slack & E-mail Notifications

Receive notifications over Slack or e-mail. Decide which staff members receive the notifications based on case data or visitor selection.

What is Slack?


Multi-Party Check-in

Check-in multiple parties on a case number. We’re able to accept check-in data from your Plaintiff, Defendant, Attorney’s, Probation Officers, or Witnesses. If your case data contains the names, we can check them in.


Other solutions



Create robust forms that deliver immediate notifications and provide on-screen directions.

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Electronic Docket

Electronic Docket intelligently displays your case data over a high definition displays. Saving you time, resources, and money.

Learn More →

Discover Check-in
Automate the display of your data over high definition screens without needing to manually manage deployment. We hear from organizations every day looking to ease the movement of their guests and ensure fewer staff interruptions. We specialize in government, courts, probation, check-in, forms, notifcations, scheduling, directories, and more!